At Robson Handling Technology we have many years’ experience in the integration of Automatic Tag Reading equipment for bag, and bag & tag luggage recognition.  

An essential part of successful baggage handling is the ability to uniquely identify any bag. With our automatic tag reading equipment, we can quickly and accurately identify luggage tags at high speeds to enable them to divert to the correct location within the airport for their onward journey.   

Using the latest technology
Using the latest technology

There are several methodologies and technologies available to undertake the automatic tag reading function, and at Robson Handling Technology US we the necessary experience and capability to deploy and integrate each of these, including:  

  • Tag Reading  
  • via. laser scanning technology, vision technology, or a combination of the two   
  • RFID technology  
  • Vision based differentiation technology   
Who we work with
Who we work with

Robson Handling Technology US work in collaboration with the latest technology suppliers, including:  

  • Sick 
  • Cognex