The Vertical Sortation and Merge Units from Robsons Handling Technology smoothly separate baggage from two conveyor lines into one, allowing for further sortation of airport luggage as it passes through the departure system.

Our Vertical Sortation Units (VSU) route bags from a single level source conveyor and despatch luggage to one of two available route options via paddle conveyors. Typically used for security reasons, these units separate cleared and rejected bags for the next stage of transportation.

Our Vertical Merge Units (VMU) route bags from two vertically segregated conveying sources and merge them in to one single conveying route via paddle conveyors, allowing for rapid sortation and vertical merging.

The Robson Handling Technology USA Vertical Sortation Unit (VSU) smoothly separates baggage from one conveyor line into two conveyor lines.
The Vertical Merge Unit (VMU) merges baggage from two conveyor lines into one conveyor line.
It consists of three conveyors contained within a frame, with two of the conveyors mechanically linked and mounted in pivot bearings to allow changes in flow.
The VSU/VMU innovative design is durable and efficient, allowing for rapid sortation and vertical merging.